
精選自然 · 品味純粹 · 創意無限

3393嚴選友善土地的農產品,販售自然農法水果、現打新鮮果汁、職人手做吐司,從平凡的農產品發現更多美味可能。 在綠意盎然的空間裡,享受簡單生活,探索更多土地的精彩故事。
精選自然 · 品味純粹 · 創意無限


3393嚴選友善土地的農產品,販售自然農法水果、現打新鮮果汁、職人手做吐司,從平凡的農產品發現更多美味可能。 在綠意盎然的空間裡,享受簡單生活,探索更多土地的精彩故事。
Nature’s finest. Pure flavors. Infinite creativity.

The more exciting a story is, the better. The simpler life is, the better.

Selecting produce from environment-friendly sources, 3393 offers fruits from natural farming, fresh juice, and handmade toast, all delicacies out of the plainest agricultural produce. You’re invited to this pleasantly verdant place for the simplicity of life and what this land of ours has to offer.
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